miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Project and Nexus..!

As our last school asignment, we must do a computer program and a website, since im studying computer technician. It has been kind of hard `cause the teachers have been going nuts on homework.

We also had our promotion done on feb 13, we had thuns of fun. Our theme was circus and our name is nexus which means union in the language of latin.

it was really nice, now we our waiting on God so that we are able to complete our senior year with honors and more united than ever.

keep up!

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


The senior year just begun..(actually it started on august).
is kindda fun ´cause is our last year together. since im studying for computer technician is kindda of hard and complicated mixed with stress.
sometimes i just wish it would be over.
im planing to study law...i wish i could go to abrham lincoln law school but im not sure yet.
im probably staying in my actual town. i wanna move out of home next year and make my independent life. praise GOD for everything!!!!
keep in touch

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

salida de clases

Ya salimos de clases y comenzaron las vacaciones (27/05/10). este año fue grandioso. nos divertimos mucho con todas las locuras y travesuras que hicimos en el curso. aunque siempre quise que terminara el año escolar, tengo una semana de vacaciones y no se que hacer sin mis compañeros de clase. hoy busque mis notas y resulta que no se me quedo ni una sola materia....QUE BIEN!!! eso significa que tengo que salir a celebrar. pero si hay algo que se es que aun en vacaciones nos seguiremos reuniendo para hacer unas cuantas locuras....adios clases hola vacaciones!!! we already got out of school and started vacations (05/27/10). this school year was great. we had a lot of fun with all the craziness we did in the class room. even dough i always wanted the school year to be over, i already have one week on vacation and i don't know what to do with out my classmates. today i got my report card and it happens to be that i didn't fail any class....THAT'S GOOD!!!! that means i have to go out to celebrate. but if there is something i know is that even in vacations we will still keep getting together to do a couple of crazy stuff....bye school hello vacations!!!!

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

La caminata

en la iglesia hubo un pasa dia....era una actividad para los jovenes desde la 11:00 am hasta las 8:00 pm. Hicimos muchas cosas....jugamos unos juegos que al principio muchos no entendiamos (incluyendome a mi)...pero luego de jugar pensaban: "ohhh...era asi de sencillo"..jjajaj..en la iglesia comimos pizza, jugamos volleyball y otros juegos..pero mas importante, el pastor Esteban Brockell nos dio una pequeña charla (o predica)..fue algo bueno por que hizo que todos pensaramos un poco mejor en la forma en que actuamos cuando vienen las criticas. Fue un buen momento en Cristo. Luego de esto fuimos a caminar en la loma. Para mi fue el momento mas divertido....gozamos mucho y tuvimos un tiempo de compañerismo y sudor..jajajja. Cuando ibamos bajando la loma tres amigas y yo (paola, keisy y leidy)..decidimos que estabamos haciendo eso para aqueos con cancer y esto hizo que en realidad quisieramos seguir...talvez lo volvamos hacer con ese proposito....en fin, cuando bajamos y estabamos reposando par volver a la iglesia, un monton de vacas salieron de donde estaban y caminaban hacia nosotros..jajajja... Varios de los jovenes (mayormente las chicas) se espantaron y se escondieron en la jeepeta...fue lo mas gracioso de todo el dia. cuando volvimos a la iglesia vimos una pelicula llamada "second glance". luego todos fueron a casa...pronto subire los videos y las fotos para que tambien puedan reir junto con nosotros de esta maravillosa experiencia...aunque luego de eso hubo mucho cansancio disfrutamos mucho y en verdad agradecemos ese tiempo que la familia Brockell tuvo para planear esto

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

the walk

today....there was an activity of the church...since 11:00 am `till 8:00 pm. We had great time ....only teens. We played many games...some of them we didn`t understand at the beginning but then we were like" ohhhh....was it that simple"....jajja. Anyways..we ate pizza, played volleyball, and others...most important, the pastor preached and it was wonderful and gave us a lot to think. Like at 5...we went for a climb on the hill. It was so much fun but at the same time there was a lot of pain for the ones who weren`t use to walking that long. when we were going down the hill...3 friends and i (Paola, keisy, and leidy), decided that we were doing that for those who have cancer. That made us even more anxious for the climb...maybe we`ll do it another time just for that reason....anyways, when we were taking a rest and drinking some water before leaving...a bunch of cows were walking toward us....all most all of the teens jumped into the car...it was so hilarious. i will soon...upload the videos....well....im tired...and exhausted..and have exams to take this week so i need some rest...wait for the videos and pictures this week....

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

all for one and one for all

we have decided to all get together as a promise to GOD and to us.....to fight against cancer....dear friends of us have had cancer in the past...and now other friends have it in the present....we are always there for them...and have them in our prayers....i believe that GOD does miracles....this has made a huge bound in all of us and has connected us more to GOD....we believe that as long as we have faith....GOD works in our lives answering our prayers.....we believe in these words: YOUR MIRACLE WILL BE THE SIZE OF YOUR FAITH....


after such a long and hard year of school.(actually the funniest school year ever)....i finally finished the scchool year....just waiting for next weeks exams and im out.....cant wait till vacations really start....that meens parties .....BBQ....pools...and all kinds of stuff....SO ANCTIOUS!!!!!